Oh My God… It’s You.

I Am

Wait, but if You exist, who created You?


Woh. Right You Are. But… who created You?


You PROFOUNDLY exist, but I can’t wrap my mind around how You got here. Something must have created You.


HOLY SHIT! It’s like as if Your AMness is so Total that it is self-generative. I just cannot comprehend this. It seems so impossible. I mean… there must have been something before You.


WOWWWWLY F***!!! You so incredibly AM that Your very existence explains itself perfectly without having explained anything! But my mind, it is so used to its logical ways of understanding things. It automatically asks, didn’t something have to exist before You?


You are truly the Alpha and the Omega. To even wonder what came before You and lent You existence is to fail to grasp Your utter Infinitude. You are ALL things, visible and invisible. There is no room left for anything outside of You. But the nature of my mind is to seek to understand by wrapping itself around the whole of something. So I simply cannot help but ask, what was before You that was able to cre…

…I see now. I Am is how I Myself got here. For I Am the only I Am. There is not other than Me.